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The Almighty God Has Spoken: "Hear Me Oh Prodigal Child; I Have Seen Your Oppressed State, And I Have Seen The Tyrants Come Against You, I Myself Have Seen Your Place And The Wounds of the Powerful That Came Upon You. I Myself Have Called To You, Because I Myself Have Pitied You, And I Myself Will Take Guard For You In Order To Defend You Oh Prodigal, Those of Whom Are Calling To Me To Exalt Me And Yet Are Harassing You Oh Lucifer; Son of The Dawn Are The Ones of Whom Will Be Put To Shame, For I Myself Will Place Comforters For You And I Myself Will Call You Back From Your Devastated Place And Will Award You The Best Robe of Which Will Bring You Honour. You Enemies Will Lick Your Wounds And Become Task-Masters For You, For I Have Repurchased You, And I Myself Will Give You A New Name; One of Glory, And I Myself Will Bring You Among The Holy Ones As One Made Clean; I Myself Will Bring Your Enemies To You And They Will See The Shame of Their Way, For Their Error They Hurled Upon You, And Their Wickedness They Blamed Upon You, So I Myself Will Give You A Time To Bring You An Everlasting Healing, And I Myself Will Build You Up And Not Tear You Down, For I  Myself Have Pitied You And Will Indeed Bring You Repurchased To A Glorious Position, I Myself Have Chosen You Oh Chosen Prodigal To Attain The Concealed Treasures In the Dark; And I Myself Will Rouse Your Once Condemned Flocks As Those of Whom Will Enter Among Your Prodigal Class And They Themselves Will Be Shown Pity As Well, And Comforters Will Be Brought To Give Them A Healing; For I Myself Have Chosen This And It Itself Will Indeed Take Place. The Title of "Satan the Devil" You Will Remove Like A Menstrual Cloth And Hurl It Away From You And In Clean Standing I Will Rouse You To Your Holy Place For I Myself Will Do This, And These Armies of God Will Help You, For I Myself Will Give You A New Name And A New Title, And Your Guilt Itself Has Been Atoned For And The Title Given Will Be Concealed From A Great Many For They Of Whom Attack You Were Merely Acting Against A Menstrual Session And A Given A Glorious Beautification I Myself Will Dress You For I Indeed Do Love You; Oh My Beloved Prodigal Child."

 Then The Army of the Heavens Said: "Where Is The Scribe? Where Is The One Speaking For These The Prodigal Children; For We Ourselves Have Agreed To Release Those of Whom Were In Captivity, And Those of Whom Are Imprisoned We Have Chosen To Rouse Them Up, For The Prodigal Has Indeed Returned To The Almighty In Humility And We Ourselves Have Indeed Embraced Him Repurchased, And Yet The Power of Which He Himself Had Over As The One Supreme Over The Realms of Condemnation The Salvation Is Going To Be Awarded Even To Those Dwelling Within The Realms of Condemnation, Those Repentant Will Indeed Return Repurchased, Yet Those of Whom Have Needed Discipline Will Be Given Till The Last Day of Their Discipline And From There When Their Repentant State Is Brought To Its Fulfilment We Ourselves Will Send Fishers To Bring Those of Whom Have Suffered The Discipline To The Fulfilment From Their Way To Bring Them Out of the Realms of The Condemnations And Desolation's, And We Ourselves Will Bring Them From Their Discipline The Enter Into The Realms of Those Repurchased And They Themselves Will Take Delight In That Which The Army of Heaven Had, And Will Have And They Will Make The Land Level And We Will Clear Up A Way For You And Those Being Brought Out Of The Tribulation And We Will Comfort Them. We Will Test Their Paths And Lead Them On A Way of Good-Will And By The Light of Our Way Will We Direct Them To The Good Way. The Holy Ones Will Indeed Bring You In Among Them And You Will Be Called, A Holy Sign of The God of Truth. We Will Hold The Strength Of The Tyrants At Bay And The Ones Oppressing You Will Flee From You, For We Ourselves Are Calling For Your Return. Do Not Remain Broken-Hearted, For We Have Awarded You Salvation And We Ourselves Have Found Pity In You And We Ourselves Will Wash You of Your Filth, And Indeed You Will Come Out Clean, And Something Beloved To It's Maker."

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