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Hear Oh Abraham of Abram; I Myself Have Called You From the End's of the Earth, And I Myself Have Congregated Even All Creation Within You, I Have Called You In Order to Watch Over You and Your Descendants, For I Myself Have Chosen You, Also; You And The Peoples I Myself Have Gathered in You Will Take Delight In the Creations of Truth And You Yourselves Will Call Yourselves The People of The God of Truth, And The Holy Ones Of Whom Are Congregated From Times Indefinite To Times Indefinite Will I Appoint Them To Watch Over You And Your Descendants For I Myself Have Loved You Yourself And The Descendants of Which I Myself Have Congregated In You I Myself Do Love. I Will Build You Up And I Will Not Tear You Down, I Will Place Descendants Within You of Which Are More Numerous Than The Stars of Heaven, I Myself Have Given You As A Sign to the Many; In Order To Make an Everlasting Name For Myself, Something of Which Will Bring the Holy Ones Glory. I Have Known You And I Myself Have Walked With Your Descendants, They Themselves Are Something I Myself Take Delight In And The Holy Ones of Whom Are Brought Out Through These My Gates Will I Myself Inscribe My Name Upon the Tablet of Their Heart. I Have Brought Together Your Descendants, And Your Descendants Do Know Me. Arise; And Known, I Myself Am Bringing To You An Abundance of Spirit, And I Will Pour It Upon Both Your Descendants And I Myself Will Spread It Among All Creation, I Will Cause A Spirit of Holiness To Bubble Forth And The Things Holy Will Spring Up In As If From The Morning Dew. The Heavens Will Shout in Joy And The Holy Ones Will Cry Out In Triumph. 

When The Day of Judgement Came To Be, The Ones of Whom Attempted To Defraud The Words and Works of The Holy Ones Became A Curse To The Lands Surrounding Them, They of Whom Misled The Many With Their Treachery Will Find No Delight In the Glory of My Works.

Hear Oh You Who Are Last, I Have Said, Climb Up, And To The Firsts I Myself Said Climb Down, And With The Many They Have Inherited From the First To the Last The Ladder Itself, The Gates Will Be Opened To Those of Whom We Have Taken Delight, And To Them We Have Said; Climb Up, Yet The Wicked of Whom Harass the Holy, We Ourselves Have Hurled Down, While To Those of Whom Became Weary of Their Heights We Said; Climb Down And Take Rest, And To Those Oppressed By The Depth We Said; Climb Up And The Ladder Was Fastened From Time Indefinite To Times Indefinite; Even From Eternity's Infinite To Eternity's Infinite. A Ladder Was Given In That Day, And The Heights Upon Heights Became Opened, A The Gates of the Inheritors Became Opened, And They Became As Creatures Ascending And Descending, And They Themselves Became Aware of The Matter, For The Ascending and Descending Spirit Has Its Way of Reach. We Ourselves Gave The Spirit As Rest For the Soul, And We Have Given The Soul As Rest For the Spirit, As The Dusk And Dawn Rise And Set So Do The Heavens Maintain Their Rising And Setting. I Am That I Am; And I Myself Have Called Even To All Of Them In Order To Give Them An Abundance of Goodness And With Good-Will and Love I Have Brought Them Under The Wing of My Creation, I Have Called You Oh First, And I Have Lifted You Oh Last, And I Myself And Let My Spirit Be Found In All The Earth, And In All The Heavens It Is The Same. For From The Holy Dwelling Places Will My Spirit Make Itself Known To You; My People, And I Myself Will Call To The Entirety Of the Essence of Existence, And I Have Called To Them And They Will Know Me. Enter Into the Flocks You of Whom Are Worthy, Come To The Gates, Inscribe Me Upon the Tablet of Your Heart And Become Over-Flowing With Holy Spirit.

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